Boost Your Client Referrals from Lawyers - QTR 4!
For Finance Pros > Turnkey, Accredited CLE
2 Options for Your CLE Success with Lawyers!
Option #1
(2 CLE Webinar Dates in QTR 4 for same CLE Course)
Limit 2 **Expert Panelists per 60 mins. CLE Live Webinar
Choose your Location (City/County)
Choose your CLE topic
Role: Expert panel - Less Prep Time (90 mins) + more show up & Shine during cle (20 mins Expert panel out of 60 mins. cle taught by prof. murray, jd)
Optional: Add a second **expert panelist to double your content marketing and social media outreach
Limit 2 **Expert Panelists per 60 mins. CLE Live Webinar - **Eligibility Restrictions Apply

Option #2
Choose your Location (City/County)
Choose your CLE topic
Role CLE instructor: More Prep Time: 3 hours - 5 hours for 1 CLE Course & Even more DAZZLE teaching lawyers accredited CLE for 60 mins. (twice QTR 4)
QTR 4 - teach same cle course twice!
- first as live webinar
- second as live webinar or live event/in person
semi-custom CLE Topics are available - enrollment deadline 9/15/2024 for this option in 2024 QTR 4
Enrollment Deadline for QTR 4 CLE
Download Summary: CLE as a Service
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ 1 WHAT IS CLE? When are CLE Hours Due?
MCLE - Mandatory Continuing Legal Education
- Lawyers in most states (except 6)must complete 12-33 accredited CLE hours every 1-3 years to renew their law license.
- Paralegals are similarly required to complete accredited CLE hours.
- Mediators in most states are required to complete CME | Continuing Mediation Education (to remain eligible for court-appointed mediation).
WHEN are MCLE Hours DUE - Deadline to Complete CLE?
DECEMBER: the month mandatory CLE hours must be completed for many states AND the month most lawyers have extra time to complete CLE hours (PRIME-TIME for CLE Webinars)
- QTR 1: MCLE hours are due in multiple states (including CA)
- QTR 2: MCLE hours are due in multiple states (including IL)
Some of the largest states have rolling MCLE deadlines based on birthday or bar licensure anniversary.
FAQ 2 Fees & Role Differences - What's the Difference Between Sponsoring Turnkey CLE as an Expert Panelist v. CLE Instructor?
To Sponsor Turnkey CLE, choose your Role, Your Location (City/County), and available CLE Topic
Differences between Roles: Expert Panelist Sponsor v. CLE Instructor Sponsor
- Prep-Time (more/less) See below Option #1 v. Option #2
- On Stage time (more/less) - CLE Instructor has more time on stage, more prep time
- Fees (more/less) - For QTR4 2024, CLE Instructor Sponsor investment is $2,500 |Expert Panelist Sponsor investment is $1,500. Each role includes one CLE Course presented twice (2 live CLE webinars during QTR 4 of the same CLE course).
Option #1: Expert Panelist Sponsor - Expanded Exposure during CLE Event/Reduced Prep-Time
We offer 60 minute CLE courses. The Expert Panel is 20 minutes per 60 minute CLE course. (Maximum 2 Expert Panelists per CLE hour).
The primary difference between the roles of Expert Panelist and CLE Instructor is prep-time.
- Prep-time for an Expert Panelist Sponsor (list of questions, hypotheticals, visuals (e.g., marital balance sheets or other spreadsheets) is approximately 90 minutes. (Note: one hour includes earning 1 CFP/CDFA hour watching Prof. Murray teach an accredited version of the CLE course to divorce finance pros.)
To maximize your contextual, knowledge role and reduce your prep-time, we include the Role: Expert Panelist.
Option #2: CLE Instructor Sponsor - Maximum Exposure during CLE Event/More Prep-TimeWe offer 60 minute CLE courses.
CLE Instructor Prep-time is 3 hours - 5 hours for one CLE Course / 60 minutes. (Note: one hour includes earning 1 CFP/CDFA hour watching Prof. Murray teach an accredited version of the CLE course to divorce finance pros.)
FAQ 3 Is there an option to repeat in QTR 4 2024 the selected CLE course?
To maximize your time investment, as either Expert Panelist or CLE Instructor, during QTR 4 2024 you will participate in two live CLE webinar presentations of the same, selected CLE course. (That is, the 1 CLE course is presented on 2 different dates, live webinar).
Note: The first and second CLE Live Webinars, respectively, must be scheduled & completed QTR 4 2024.
FAQ 4 LOCATION: QTR4 City/County - What is "Local" for CLE Webinar Location
- Choose your Location (local CITY/COUNTY) during check out.
- For example, in Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh is a separate local location from Philadelphia for purposes of CLE as Content Marketing.
FAQ 5 In 2024 QTR 4, Which CLE Courses Are Available?
FAQ 6 What is the Deadline for Finance Pros to Enroll?
- Accrediting CLE per state requires 30-60 days lead-time
- 60 days after the end of September is DECEMBER - prime-time when lawyers need/want to complete their mandatory CLE hours.
- Deadlines are below. But keep in mind that your Location may sell out before this deadline. So consider enrolling today!
Option #1 - Expert Panelist Sponsor
Enrollment Deadline: September 30, 2024
Option #2 - CLE Instructor Sponsor
Enrollment Deadline: September 20, 2024
No subscription required. Enrollment for 2024 QTR 4 is a one-time fee.
FAQ 7 FACULTY: Who develops your CLE Courses?
Prof. Murray is the CLE Instructor under Option #1. She also develops all of our CLE courses (Law School-Level CLE, Turnkey).
Our Co-Founder, Prof. Kelly Murray, JD
- J.D. Harvard Law (cum laude)
- A.B. Stanford Univ. (Phi Beta Kappa)
- Retired Faculty, Vanderbilt Law (18 years/retired 2023)
- Vanderbilt Law CLE Director (2010-15)
Prof. Kelly L. Murray, J.D. is a lawyer, legal scholar, and serial entrepreneur focused on Realty Asset Dispute Resolution since 2007. She is passionate about helping preserve home ownership eligibility, especially in family disputes (Divorce, Probate, Elder Law). She graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Stanford Univ., cum laude from Harvard Law School, and retired as faculty from Vanderbilt Law School (18 years/retired 2023).
As a speaker and interdisciplinary continuing education trainer, Prof. Murray has taught divorce real estate to over 2,000 judges, lawyers, mediators, collaborative and financial professionals in 16+ states, as well as thousands of real estate and mortgage professionals nationally. Her national presentations include: ABA Family Law Section, IACP, IDFA, ADFP, AAM, APFM, NAR, ASHI.
With an Illinois law license, and trained in family mediation (inactive) and collaborative practice (inactive), Prof. Murray co-founded along with Wendy Waselle, (est. 2012) offering accredited multi-state CLE/CME in advanced Realty Asset Dispute Resolution as well as (est. 2008) providing divorce real estate designation training to thousands of mortgage professionals and real estate licensees
FAQ 8 How is your CLE Content Different?
High Quality/Relevant CLE Content | Accredited in Your State for Finance Professionals who Specialize in Divorce
Our Turnkey, Accredited CLE features state-specific case law and multi-state trends that substantively connect your divorce finance practice to divorce lawyers, family mediators, and paralegals.
FAQ 9 How to Schedule a FREE Strategy Call
Upcoming Live Preview Webinars